*Ο Φυσίατρος Α.Τολιόπουλος είναι πιστοποιημένος στην ειδική θεραπεία με Βotulinum Τoxin για όλες τις νευρολογικές ενδείξεις από τη Γερμανική Νευρολογική Εταιρεία (Arbeitskreis Botulinumtoxin e.V. der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie).
Νέα δημοσίευση σε επιστημονικό περιοδικό για τεχνική εγχύσεων Botulinumtoxin
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Δημοσιεύτηκε στο διεθνές επιστημονικό περιοδικό "Cureus Journal of Medical Science", εργασία μου, όσον αφορά ειδική τεχνική έγχυσης αλλαντικής τοξίνης "εντός πλάνου" με υπερηχογραφική καθοδήγηση σε συγκεκριμένους μύες του άνω άκρου.
"In-Plane Ultrasound-Guided Botulinum Toxin Injection to Lumbrical and Interosseus Upper Limb Muscles: Technical Report"
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This technical report presents an innovative approach utilizing in-plane ultrasound-guided injections to precisely target the lumbrical and interosseous muscles within the upper limb. The report also elucidates the rationale and advantages of incorporating ultrasound guidance in the administration of Botulinum toxin (BTX) injections, encompassing the real-time visualization of needle trajectory and accurate localization of the target muscle groups while delving into the pertinent anatomical details of these muscles and their significance in diverse neuromuscular conditions.
The step-by-step procedure for conducting in-plane ultrasound-guided BTX injections to the lumbrical and interosseous muscles is delineated, emphasizing critical technical considerations and potential pitfalls to be vigilant of during the procedure. Furthermore, the article addresses the significance of selecting appropriate BTX dosages and injection sites based on individual patient presentations and clinical indications.
Overall, the in-plane ultrasound-guided BTX injection technique presents a promising approach for providing precise and targeted treatment to the lumbrical and interosseous muscles in the upper limb. It offers clinicians an alternative to injections performed without guidance or out-of-plane ultrasound-guided injections, potentially decreasing the likelihood of complications and enhancing treatment outcomes for patients with a range of neuromuscular conditions. However, further research and comparative studies are necessary to establish the long-term efficacy and safety of this technique, thus confirming its role in clinical practice.